Comments on: Stop Blogging in a Vacuum: How to Increase Engagement Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:41:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Engage! 4 Tips for Increasing Interaction with Your Blog Content Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:41:22 +0000 […] if you enjoyed it, you might also like to check out a similar post I penned for Learn to Blog. Stop Blogging in a Vacuum goes into more detail about how to position your content for your audience and how to balance […]

By: Kali Hawlk Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:48:43 +0000 In reply to Flannel Guy ROI.

Thanks! In my experience, being genuine and sincerely nice go an incredibly long way. It sounds trite, but so many people fail to remember they are engaging with way more than a screen – there are actual human beings on the other end! And human beings love to know they are valued, appreciated, admired, and cared for. By simply being honest and kind, people will remember you and gravitate toward you.

Here are a few ideas for some specific, actionable ideas you could incorporate:
1. Strive to respond to every comment on every post (and be thoughtful – don’t just say “thanks, come again!”)
2. Work to be truly helpful to those you’re networking with (can you answer a question for them? Help them solve a problem that is stumping them? Connect them with someone else or give them a lead?)
3. Give stuff away for free. I know, this is a lot of work, but people LOVE free stuff. Create a quick worksheet, PDF guide, or even host a free webinar masterclass via Google Hangout. Nothing will get you to 0 audience members to a gaggle of loyal followers faster than giving them something they can use at no cost to them.

Hope this helps and answers your question – feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss further!

By: Flannel Guy ROI Tue, 04 Feb 2014 04:04:41 +0000 Great article! Any advice on speeding the transition from quality content tone voice etc to loyal following? I hear network network network all the time, including social media and commenting on other blogs. Any other activities that could add a lot of value in that regard?
